The Eve Of Kartik Pooran Mashi

On the eve of Kartik Pooran Mashi, 89 Indian Hindu pilgrims along with local Hindu community has performed their rituals with religious zeal. The journey started from 20.12.2022 to 25.12.2022 and pilgrims have appreciated the arrangements of Evacuee Trust Property Board, Govt. of Pakistan warmly. It is pertinent that Shri Katas Raj pilgrimage has echoed love and peace among participants.

The Eve Of Kartik Pooran Mashi
On the eve of Kartik Pooran Mashi, 89 Indian hindu pilgrims along with local hindu community has performed their rituals with religious zeal. The journey started from 20.12.2022 to 25.12.2022 and pilgrims have appreciated the arrangements of Evacuee Trust Property Board, Govt. of Pakistan warmly.It is pertinent that Shri Katas Raj pilgrimage has echoed love and peace among participants.