Historical Prospective

Historical Propective

Prior To The 1947 Partition Of India


The Pashupati seal

Pakistan, situated in the region that was once the Indus Valley Civilization, holds a significant place in the ancient history of Hinduism. The Pashupati image discovered in Mohenjo-daro is believed to have evolved into the deity Shiva, while the Mother Goddess became revered as Shakti. Indus Valley artifacts, including the Swastika symbol and Yogic postures, suggest early influences on the development of Hinduism. The religious beliefs and folklore of the ancient Indus valley people have profoundly influenced the Hindu faith in South Asia.

During the Vedic period, it is believed that the Rig Veda, the oldest Hindu scripture, was composed in the Punjab region of present-day Pakistan and India, along the banks of the Indus River, around 1500 BCE.

Lava And Kusha At Gurukul


The kingdom of Sindh and its rulers are prominently mentioned in the Indian epic Mahabharata. According to Hindu legend, Lahore was founded by Lava, while Kasur was established by his twin brother Kusha, both sons of Lord Rama from the epic Ramayana. The Gandhara kingdom, located in the northwest, and its people feature prominently in Hindu epics like the Ramayana and the Mahabharata. Many cities in Pakistan, such as Peshawar and Multan, have Sanskrit roots, reflecting the ancient connections to Hindu culture.

Pre-Islamic Period

Extent of the Indus Valley Civilization sites

During the Vedic period from 1500 to 500 BCE, an Indo-Aryan culture emerged, and it was during this time that the Vedas, the oldest scriptures of Hinduism, were composed. This culture became firmly established in the region, and Multan became an important Hindu pilgrimage center. The ancient city of Takṣaśilā, known as Taxila in present-day Punjab, flourished as a center of the Vedic civilization, with its founding dating back to around 1000 BCE.

Over the centuries, various empires and kingdoms ruled the region. The Persian Achaemenid Empire exerted its influence around 519 BCE, followed by the empire of Alexander the Great in 326 BCE. The Maurya Empire, founded by Chandragupta Maurya and expanded by Ashoka the Great, held sway until 185 BCE. The Indo-Greek Kingdom, led by Demetrius of Bactria, included Gandhara and Punjab and reached its height under Menander, fostering a rich Greco-Buddhist culture.

Gandhara Civilization

Taxila boasted one of the earliest universities and centers of higher education in the world. Established in the 6th century BCE, it consisted of several monasteries where individualized religious instruction was provided, rather than large dormitories or lecture halls. The university was documented by Alexander the Great’s forces and mentioned by Chinese pilgrims in the 4th or 5th century CE.

During the peak of its power, the Rai Dynasty (489–632 CE) of Sindh ruled over this region and its neighboring territories. The Pala Dynasty, the last Buddhist empire, extended across South Asia under the reign of Dharmapala and Devapala, stretching from present-day Bangladesh through Northern India to Pakistan.

Post-Independence Period (1947–Present)

The Swaminarayan Temple in Karachi was a departure point for those migrating to India after independence

During the creation of Pakistan, the “two-nation theory” was advocated, which aimed to ensure the fair treatment of the Hindu minority in Pakistan as a reciprocal measure for the protection of the Muslim minority in India. Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the founder of Pakistan, emphasized in his address to the constituent assembly of Pakistan that over time, religious identities would become less significant in the political sense, as citizens would primarily identify as members of the state rather than specific religious communities.

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