Restoration And Uplifting Of Katas Raj Temple

It is a matter of immense pleasure and moment of great satisfaction for all of us that today on 1 Apr 2022 (as already informed), *Esteemed Chairman ETPB Dr. Aamer Ahmed Sb has inaugurated the restoration, uplifting and massive repair/ maintenance work done at massive scale at Katas Raj Temples* Work completed at KRTs was widely appreciated and acknowledged by local administration, civil society and government officials. A sizeable gathering was also present on the occasion of Inauguration Ceremony.

*Congratulations to all of Hindu Community from ETPB for the up-gradation and restoration of Katas Raj Temples*

With Compliments Drom:-

*Mr. Rana Shahid, Additional Secretary Shrines, ETPB*

*Mr. Faraz Abbas, Deputy Secretary Shrines, ETPB*

It is a matter of immense pleasure and moment of great satisfaction for all of us that today on 1 Apr 2022 (as already informed), *Esteemed Chairman ETPB Dr. Aamer Ahmed Sb has inaugurated the restoration, uplifting and massive repair/ maintenance work done at massive scale at Katas Raj Temples* Work completed at KRTs was widely appreciated and acknowledged by local administration, civil society and government officials. A sizeable gathering was also present on the occasion of Inauguration Ceremony.*Congratulations to all of Hindu Community from ETPB for the up-gradation and restoration of Katas Raj Temples*With Compliments Drom:-*Mr. Rana Shahid, Additional Secretary Shrines, ETPB* *Mr. Faraz Abbas, Deputy Secretary Shrines, ETPB*