Who We Are

who we are


Pakistan is home to several religious communities, including the Hindu community. The Hindu community in Pakistan has a rich cultural heritage, with many mandirs and holy sites scattered across the country. Previously, the Hindu community in Pakistan has faced significant challenges in protecting and preserving their religious sites due to a lack of resources and support from the government.

To address the above mentioned issues, The Ministry for Religious Affairs and Interfaith Harmony, Government of Pakistan in the exercise of powers of the Federal Government under section 4 of the Evacuee Trust Properties Act, 1975 has constituted the Pakistan Hindu Mandirs Management Committee on 29th December 2021 to address the concerns of the Hindu community regarding the management and maintenance of their places of worship and bring in to limelight any issues related to Hindu community for settlement and requisite legislation. PHMMC aims to play the role of bridging and promoting inter faith harmony over the issues which have not been addressed since long.

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